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CCSS is a non-profit organization providing senior programs and assistance for individuals 60 years of age and over. Funded by state and federal grants along with assistance from Crook County Commissioners, Towns of Sundance, Hulett, and Moorcroft. We offer a Nutrition Program, Senior Companion Assistance, Medical Alert, Respite Care, Personal Care, Homemaking Services, AARP Driver Safety Classes, Social Activities, Blood Pressure & Toenail Clinics, Transportation and more!


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Family Caregiver Subsidies
Exercise Classes/Groups
Hospice Care
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Older Adult Social Clubs
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Home Health Care
Local Bus Transit Services
Case/Care Management
Senior Centers
In Home Assistance
Home Delivered Meals
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Computer Literacy Training Programs
We offer a variety of daily activities including games, arts, crafts, exercise and more, as well as weekly programs and monthly special events. Nutritious meals offered to senior citizens at the center, Monday through Friday. Also offers home delivered meals to those who qualify. Please call for more information. Also has a medical loan closet for individuals in need of medical equipment. Please call to see if the item that you are in need of is currently available.


Senior Centers
Older Adult Social Clubs
Home Delivered Meals
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
The VFW is a nonprofit veteran’s service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces. The VFW and its Auxiliary are dedicated to veteran’s service, legislative advocacy, and military and community service programs.


Veteran Membership Organizations
Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Provides local transportation to seniors and general public Monday -Friday 8:15 AM to 3:45 PM,. Congregate noon meals served at Powell Senior Center Monday - Friday and at Rocky Mountain Manor Monday - Saturday. Meals delivered to home bound individuals, Monday - Saturday. Medical Loan equipment. Medicare/Social Security sign up and navigation. Crafts, cards, foot clinic, exercise classes, fraud education, etc.


Medical Equipment/Supplies
Mature Driver Training
Senior Centers
Health Education
Exercise Classes/Groups
Home Delivered Meals
Book Loan
Senior Center Bus Services
Older Adult Social Clubs
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Certificates/Forms Assistance
The Cody Senior Center is open to anyone aged 60 or older. Membership is free! All you need to do to become a member is fill out a two-page questionnaire. That questionnaire must be updated annually.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Older Adult Social Clubs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan Enrollment
Senior Centers
Meal Delivery Volunteer Opportunities
Senior Center Bus Services
Home Delivered Meals
CCSS is a non-profit organization providing senior programs and assistance for individuals 60 years of age and over. Funded by state and federal grants along with assistance from Crook County Commissioners, Towns of Sundance, Hulett, and Moorcroft. We offer a Nutrition Program, Senior Companion Assistance, Medical Alert, Respite Care, Personal Care, Homemaking Services, AARP Driver Safety Classes, Social Activities, Blood Pressure & Toenail Clinics, Transportation and more!


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Family Caregiver Subsidies
Exercise Classes/Groups
Hospice Care
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Older Adult Social Clubs
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Home Health Care
Local Bus Transit Services
Case/Care Management
Senior Centers
In Home Assistance
Home Delivered Meals
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Originally designated to serve the community’s senior population, in 2009 with construction of our new facility, services and amenities were incorporated to address the needs of the entire community. Now, the Center offers programs and services for residents of all ages; child day care, education, outreach, senior meals, in-home health services, and public-use space for meetings and events.


Home Health Care
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Home Delivered Meals
Caregiver Consultation and Support
In Home Meal Preparation
Family Caregiver Subsidies
Respite Care
Senior Centers
Our services are provided with the provisions of the Older Americans Act. This means that we are here to serve ALL people who have reached their 60th year (and their spouses). We do not discriminate based on national origin, race, religion, sex, weight, height, hair color, physical or mental limitations, or income.


Senior Centers
Senior Center Bus Services
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Older Adult Social Clubs
Home Delivered Meals
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Variety of High Quality Products We offer a vast amount of Healthcare, Industrial, and Scientific supplies and equipment. Our up-to-date industrial knowledge enables us to cater to your needs.
Energy Share of Wyoming, Utility Assistance, Rental Assistance, Food by Choice Pantry, Laundry Vouchers, Bus tokens. On Occasion we also assist with: Diapers, Wipes, Hygiene, Toiletries, Over the Counter Medications, Adult Diapers, Bed Pads.


Disaster Relief Services
Food Pantries
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Disaster Response Services
Laundry Vouchers
Case/Care Management
Incontinence Supplies
Social Services for Military Personnel
Lander Senior Citizens Center


Senior Center Bus Services
Senior Centers
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Older Adult Social Clubs
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
We work with persons of all age groups and all types of disabilities to live independently and overcome barriers. This includes but is not limited to: Modifications to your home, Rights and Benefits Counseling, Transporation, Case Management for In-home Care, Access to Recreation and ADA Consultation.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Home Health Care
In Home Supportive Services Subsidies
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision
Ramp Construction Services
Services for those 60 years of age and older. Congregate meals provided for a suggested donation of $3.00. You may bring a guest under 60 for a fee of $5.00. Also provide home delivered meals, some activities, and information services. Reservations needed for meals the day before.


Medical Equipment/Supplies
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Home Health Care
Home Delivered Meals
Senior Centers
The Laramie County Senior Activity Center is centrally located in downtown Cheyenne. We offer various programs to enhance and encourage healthy living habits and stimulate mental well-being; opportunities to improve physical strength, flexibility and balance. Exercise classes and physical programs are available. Lunch served 7 days a week and breakfast 5 days a week. The Center also has a lending library and a small gym. We offer a great variety of senior outings throughout the month.


Senior Centers
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Incontinence Supplies
Older Adult Social Clubs
Personal Alarm Systems
RSVP Program
Family Caregiver Subsidies
Medicare Information/Counseling
Company Overview Providing transportation, serving nutritious meals in clients homes and in our dining room, providing Information and Referral for aging issues, Material aid in the form of a loaning closet with durable medical equipment.


Older Adult Social Clubs
Senior Centers
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Senior Center Bus Services
Rendezvous Pointe offers Meals and Nutrition. Other services include minor home modification, temporary respite, and assistance with emergency. Beyond the In-Home services, Rendezvous Pointe offers a lending closet for anyone in temporary need whether due to an accident, surgery or other infirmity. Among other items, the Closet includes walkers, canes, crutches, shower and bath benches, pill boxes, toilet seat risers, wheel chairs, electric wheelchairs, and wheelchair ramps.


In Home Assistance
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Home Delivered Meals
Senior Centers
Older Adult Social Clubs
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Senior Center Bus Services
Services for those 60 years of age and older. Congregate meals provided for a suggested donation of $3.00. You may bring a guest under 60 for a fee of $5.00.Also provide home delivered meals, some activities, and information services. Reservations needed for meals the day before.


Home Health Care
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Senior Centers
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Home Delivered Meals
Salt River Senior Center


Senior Center Bus Services
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Older Adult Social Clubs
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Senior Centers
Services for those 60 years of age and older. Congregate meals provided for a suggested donation of $3.00. You may bring a guest under 60 for a fee of $5.00.Also provide home delivered meals, some activities, and information services. Reservations needed for meals by 8:30.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Home Health Care
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Home Delivered Meals
Senior Centers
Services to provide in-home care to individuals include: Lifeline connection, personal care (bathing by CNA) and light housekeeping. Information, Assistance and Referrals to other agencies for needs.


Personal Alarm Systems
Home Health Care
Medical Equipment/Supplies
In Home Assistance
Senior center offering the following: Congregate Meals, Home-Delivered Meals, Transportation, Personal Care, Homemaking, Respite Care, Chore Services, Loan Closet


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Older Adult Social Clubs
Senior Center Bus Services
Home Health Care
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Senior Centers
Home Delivered Meals
We work with persons of all age groups and all types of disabilities to live independently and overcome barriers. This includes but is not limited to: Modifications to your home, Rights and Benefits Counseling, Transporation, Case Management for In-home Care, Access to Recreation and ADA Consultation.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Home Health Care
In Home Supportive Services Subsidies
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision
Ramp Construction Services
Friends of Man assists low income individuals with a range of needs including mobility equipment, ramps, minor home mods for accessibility, prostheses, hearing aids, medical equipment. (No medical bills or back bills.) Referring professionals (caseworkers, case managers, health care workers, social workers, counselors, teachers, clergy) Potential applicants can ask their referring professional to contact Friends of Man.


Mobility Aids
Prosthetic Devices
Residential Lift Equipment
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Vehicle Adaptation Services
Hearing Aids
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Ramp Construction Services
We work with persons of all age groups and all types of disabilities to live independently and overcome barriers. This includes but is not limited to: Modifications to your home, Rights and Benefits Counseling, Transportation, Case Management for In-home Care, Access to Recreation and ADA Consultation.


Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Home Health Care
In Home Supportive Services Subsidies
Ramp Construction Services
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
CCSS is a non-profit organization providing senior programs and assistance for individuals 60 years of age and over. Funded by state and federal grants along with assistance from Crook County Commissioners, Towns of Sundance, Hulett, and Moorcroft. We offer a Nutrition Program, Senior Companion Assistance, Medical Alert, Respite Care, Personal Care, Homemaking Services, AARP Driver Safety Classes, Social Activities, Blood Pressure & Toenail Clinics, Transportation and more!


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Family Caregiver Subsidies
Exercise Classes/Groups
Hospice Care
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Older Adult Social Clubs
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Home Health Care
Local Bus Transit Services
Case/Care Management
Senior Centers
In Home Assistance
Home Delivered Meals
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Computer Literacy Training Programs